For file-based integrations with Tratta, we update the balances of debt accounts once a day during the daily file import process.

In some cases, this can create discrepancies when Tratta registers a more recent transaction than the organization’s System of Record (SOR). For example, if a consumer makes a payment after transactions have been exported from Tratta but before the next import and balance update, the balance may become outdated.


To address this issue, we recommend that organizations include a Last Payment Date timestamp in their import files. This column should record the date and time of the last transaction posted in the System of Record (SOR).

Using this timestamp, Tratta’s import script can compare it with the most recent transaction timestamp in Tratta. Based on this comparison, the system will determine whether the balance should be updated.

How It Works


Table of Examples

# Tratta Last Transaction Time Last Payment Date (last posted in SOR) Balance Will Update? Comment
1 none none Yes ✅ SOR is source of truth (no transactions on Tratta)
2 none 9/26/2024 01:40:10 PM Yes ✅ SOR is source of truth (no transactions on Tratta)
3 9/27/2024 11:40:20 AM none No ❌ Tratta has later transaction than SOR aware of
4 9/27/2024 01:10:23 PM 9/27/2024 11:55:30 AM No ❌ Tratta has later transaction than SOR aware of
5 9/27/2024 09:30:20 AM 9/27/2024 11:30:20 AM Yes ✅ SOR has later transaction
6 9/27/2024 11:30:20 AM 9/27/2024 11:30:20 AM Yes ✅ SOR aware of the latest Tratta transaction

Transaction Types Ignored in Balance Update Logic

To ensure accurate balance updates, Tratta’s logic considers only specific transaction types when determining the most recent transaction timestamp. The following guidelines clarify which transactions are excluded both on Tratta's side and the client’s side:

  1. Successful Transactions Only (Declined Excluded):
  2. Refunds:
  3. Voided and Returned Transactions: